Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just some thoughts

Well here I am and I really should be getting to bed...but seems as how I get an evening on the computer w/o my hubby being around I thought I would take advantage of it. My young man had another match tonight...got pinned...not so good. Knowing full well this is his first year and he has so much to learn yet it is still hard to sit in the stands and watch it happening and not being able to help him and having to be patient that he will have his year or years...it is just not this year because he is in a season of learning. It still doesnt make it any easier...especially knowing his potential and having enough people tell us he has great potential.

Then there is my little miss...who lately has not been enjoying dance because of the misfortune of having some idiot girl w/an attitude problem in her class. Sorry people...even though we are christian and we are supposed to love everyone...there are some parents out there who are raising idiots...and we come across them every single day. It drives me insane. I dont expect certain behaviors to come from my children and therefore refuse to tolerate them in others. In most cases that makes me "the MOM" at most events....I am the one who will discipline your children when you are not. What can I say....too many parents out there would rather be their kids' friends instead of parents. AAARRRGGGGHHH. Well in the next couple of Mondays Miss Attitude will have her day of reckoning....but of course I will take it to the teacher first and see if it can be handled that way....if that doesnt work...well....I will just have to pray and see where the Lord leads.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been a while...

So I know it has been months since I have been on here so I figured it was about time to try to get back here on a regular basis. So since the new year has begun here are two goals that I have set for myself. 1) - Get back to being in the word on a regular basis using the Chronological bible I baught for one of the Adult Ed classes I was attemting to take....so far so good. With that I have also been trying to pray more on a daily basis...that I am still working on. 2) Get to the gym more than 4-5 times a week...I am aiming for 5-6....so far I have successfully made it 5x (last week) This week I am hoping for the 6. I decided to call these "goals" because resolutions always tend to fail....I am hoping that these goals I will continue to strive to succeed. I can tell you I am detemined....that's for sure.

So on top of all this my son is currently doing very well during his first year of wrestling for his school and has found his new favorite sport...He has stated matter of factly that he is a "wrestler who plays soccer, not a soccer player who wrestles". And as much is I was not thrilled with the idea of my son wrestling (having flash backs to high school where I cheered at my alma mater for wrestling for 6years and remembering how miserable most of those guys were always having to make weight), my hubby and I both have become his biggest fans and even with all the weightloss crap will still most likely NOT pull him from the team. (even though I said I would in the beginning). Caleigh is still loving dance with one minor problem....a girl names Danicka who is always pushing her and being nasty to her...have not dealt with this issue quite yet but plan to at one of her next few classes.

I also remember my rantings about my father from a previous post...and then Pastor Dave did a great sermon on loving people where they are at...so that is what I am TRYING to do. But it is hard.

So I think I will leave it at that for now since I am doing this from work and should probably get back to work. Later Y'all